Unfortunately, we built an annoying bug into the 1.1.3 version of smart:comp, making it incompatible with prior versions (below v1.1.3) and also the current (v1.1.4) and all future versions – we are very sorry about that. NOTE: This problem only affects the VST and VST3 version of smart:comp.
What can you do?
- If you used v1.1.3 in a session and want to upgrade to v1.1.4:
Rename the plug-in file(s) of v1.1.3 prior to installing the new version (e.g. from smartcomp.vst to smartcomp_old.vst). The plug-in files (*.vst for VST3 and *.dll for VST) are located here.
That way, two versions of smart:comp will be available on your system after updating to v1.1.4. Otherwise, you can simply upgrade and replace smart:comp with the new version (all parameters will be lost).
- If you already installed v1.1.4 and want to downgrade to v1.1.3:
To be able to open a session created with v1.1.3, you can download v1.1.3 from here (and later upgrade to v1.1.4 using the method listed above).
- If you created a session with a version below v1.1.3:
If you are experiencing problems after updating to v1.1.3, simply update to v1.1.4 and everything should be working again.
Sorry for the inconvenience!